Since 1995, adviser CONSULTING MS realized a number of consultancy projects, including:

  • Research and market surveys (organization, implementation and analysis)
  • Business plans and marketing plans (studies, consultations)
  • Strategic Analysis (consulting)
  • Preparation of documentation for application for EU-funding (Structural Funds) and the government
  • Training and seminars, including the role of co-trainer during seminars organized by Price Waterhouse L.L.P. Privatization International Group
  • Foreign market search for selling, translations
  • Project realization for foreign firms
  • Project management financed by EU, USAID and government-funding

Examples of the most interesting projects:

  • Research of financial market to the Pomorski Credit Bank
  • Feasibility study (analytical part) and a business plan for the construction of ski lift on ¦wieradów Zdrój
  • Analysis of the market for the company CNPEP “RADWAR SA, Bumar group
  • Tournaround of company P.P.H. MARLE Ltd in 2003 year in crisis-situation
  • Concept and management MARLEN Ltd
  • The concept of development and finance, project management INPAK


High references advisers:

1. Education

  • University in Łódź, Management Department – 2009 – doctorate study
  • University of Economic – 1993 – master of economic
  • Accounting and Finance Diploma ACCA (1995 – 1997)

2. Knowledge of foreign languages:

  • German
  • English
  • French

3. Additional training:

Date Organizer Subject
2007 OTREK Europejskie Centrum Rozwoju Biznesu sp. z o.o. Wrocław Direct marketing tools in practice
2006 Politechnika Wrocławska WCTT Applications of financing for the implementation of new technology and making organizational changes Improving managerial skills
2005 Fundacja Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej Good design opportunity for regional development – training from the European Regional Development Fund
2004 Instytut Technik i Technologii Dziewiarskich “TRICOTEKSTIL” Łódź The evaluation of the compatibility of personal protective equipment
2002 Polsko-Amerykañska Fundacja Przedsiębiorczości Szczecin, PKO S.A. Jelenia Góra Securing and vindication of dept from contractors
2001 Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Przedsiębiorczości Szczecin, PKO S.A. Jelenia Góra, Global Management – Instytut Zarządzania Strategicznego Jelenia Góra Global Management – Instytut Zarządzania Strategicznego Jelenia Góra Cash Flow planning in the company     Strategic management Business plan
2000 Miêdzynarodowa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów Katowice oraz Polska Fundacja PiR MSP Warszawa ACDI/VOCA Program Firma 2000 Warszawa, American Systems of Marketing Kutno Training for KSU – CONSORTIA * legal aspects of the creation of consortia Market Research
1999 Polska Fundacja Promocji i Rozwoju Małych i Średnich Przedsiębiorstw Warszawa ACDI/VOCA Program Firma 2000 Warszawa Legal and economic aspects providing activities in Poland in the context of integration with the European Union Problem solving
1998 ACDI/VOCA Program Firma 2000 Warszawa Project management ABC Costing Building Consulting Skills
1997 Danish Technology Institution (DTI), Dania TAT- Technology Audit Tool TIT – Technology Investment Tool
XII‘95 – III‘96 Międzynarodowa Pomoc Polskim Przedsiębiorstwom (3P) Warszawa: Bunt program course for strategic analysis
1995 Fundusz Współpracy w Warszawie Methodology advice and consulting Business Plan Legal aspects of business


Article Title Publication Place
Supporting the restructuring process in the turnaround of small enterprises red. K. Poznañska, E. Stawasz, publisher University of Szczecin, Szczecin 2008
Symptoms of the influence of external environment on small business activities on the example of P.P.H. MARLE sp. z o.o. Red. A.Nalepka, Profit- and nonprofit organizations to increased competition and the increasing demands of consumers, Millennium Printing, Nowy Sacz 2008
The role of the manager in the process of change in the light of the needed competences (co-author Alexandra Werpachowska, Warsaw) Red. Jaroslaw Sosnowski, Economic Studies Region of Lodz, Publisher PTE in Lodz, Lodz 2008
Crisis and the restructuring of small enterprises in the light of financial aspects Red. F. Moterski, A man in the face of science, technology and the arts, Publisher University of Lodz, Lodz 2008
External barriers for restructuring small businesses Red. S. Lachiewicz, M. Matejun, Problems in contemporary management practices, Publisher: Technical University of Lodz, Lodz 2007
Features of small companies, that make the restructuring hard Red. M. Gołębiowski, Publisher Piktor, Lodz 2007
Assessment of the attractiveness of investment on the example of the city of Jelenia Gora Foundation’s “Center for Promotion and Support of Entrepreneurship” Scientific Issue 1 / 2001, Jelenia Gora 2001
Numerous articles with subject of the local economy “Jeleniogórski Weekly” years: 2000 – 2001
How to find your customer “The economy in Sudety”, no 3(11)/97, 1997
Get to know your market “The economy in Sudety”, no 5(7)/96, 1996

Even the smallest successes can bring unexpectedly large effects, so from a ‘basket’ of the past facts and events we want to boast of only some achievements:

  • attracting funding and implementation of the project INPAK;
  • tournaround – restructuring the company P.P.H.Marle Ltd;
  • obtaining funding from the EU for one company with several programs (Marlen Ltd);
  • management of small enterprises
  • implementing projects tripartite (Polish – German – Czech) by SPIRP and recognition from Pricewaterhousecooper awards for the best public relations program
  • obtained many investment loans for many firms on the base of our documentation
  • co-operation and working for foreign companies
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